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Restoration Experts

Meth Cleanup Auckland

Meth decontamination services provided by Restoration Experts will reinstate the safety of your home or workspace, helping to maintain a healthy environment for your family or staff.

Meth Clean-up Service

With the ongoing drug crisis, the number of illicit drug laboratories nationwide has surged notably. Unnoticed, these drug labs can be established in residences, hotel rooms, and even warehouses. The illicit manufacture of drugs not only affects health severely but can also lead to explosions and fires.

Toxic chemicals utilized in methamphetamine production can be lethal if swallowed or inhaled. Methamphetamine is a strongly addictive and hazardous drug that can potentially cause deaths due to fires or explosions.

The intervention of meth clean-up services is necessary to prevent further contamination. This entails thorough sanitization and excellent ventilation. Our experts are knowledgeable about the use of sophisticated equipment, and our procedures adhere to industrial standards.

What is Meth?

Commonly known as meth, methamphetamine is an intense and addictive stimulant that can be injected, consumed, snorted, or smoked intravenously.

The production process of meth is relatively simple, and individuals can become addicted upon initial use.

Meth addiction causes individuals to overlook aspects like personal hygiene, home maintenance, job responsibilities, familial duties, and even safety.

Decontaminating a structure that was utilized as a meth lab is vital to guarantee safety. 

The Harmful Effects Of Meth

Meth production generates toxic waste that can persist for an extended period. Restoration Experts have certified decontamination professionals who ensure your property is free from hazardous chemicals after a thorough inspection.

Shocking as it may seem, each kilogram of meth results in five to seven pounds of detrimental chemical waste. Alarmingly, these chemicals include hazardous compounds like chloroform, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, among others. Even after the discontinuation of lab operations, the following health hazards persist due to residues of these chemicals:
Psychological illness
Liver damage
Kidney Problems
Liver damage

Two Types of Meth Testing

The property suspected of contamination needs to undergo testing to detect the presence of meth and determine its quantity. The two types of tests include:
1. Standard/Composite Testing
2. Comprehensive/Detailed Testing
To give you an accurate quote, we require a comprehensive/detailed testing report.
Standard Meth Testing
Standard meth testing helps ascertain the presence of meth in the concerned areas. Given the adverse effects of meth usage, there is an increasing need for standard meth testing as it helps answer basic questions about meth presence in a certain location. However, composite meth testing does not provide specific location or precise quantity of the meth.

Comprehensive testing is a valuable tool in minimizing the risks associated with undetected meth residues due to inaccurate room selection. Negative results from our tests provide clients with undeniable assurance that there is no presence of meth in the location. If a standard test gives positive results, then detailed analysis is necessary.
Comprehensive Meth Testing
Comprehensive meth testing is conducted to extract specific details about meth presence in a particular area or room. Some clients prefer this due to their interest in knowing the specific locations in their home where meth residues exist.

Individual kits are employed for comprehensive testing to collect samples from designated areas. However, we recommend initiating with standard testing, as extensive meth testing tends to be relatively expensive.

Comprehensive meth testing helps users understand the type, quantity, and location of meth residues. Unlike in-field test kits, it is considered a more accurate method as it samples every area of the property in question.

Why Choose RestorationExperts?

Restoration Experts are among the best in the market, providing affordable, quick remediation and decontamination services for methamphetamine contamination to real estate brokers, investors, and property owners. 

Achieve peace of mind and lessen your liability by opting for a certified decontamination service provider like us, whose property inspection compliance comes with a 100% guarantee. Our specialists are skilled and professional, helping our clients understand the remediation process and the projected timeframe for project completion.

By leveraging its proven remediation strategy, Restoration Experts are focused on providing a highly effective solution with enhanced efficiency at a reduced cost. This is crucial as every property contaminated with meth mandates varying remediation measures, which are covered by the following aspects of our value proposition:
Neutralisation of contamination caused by meth and associated chemical residues.
Deployment of certified decontamination specialists for every job.
100% Decontamination Compliance Guarantee by Restoration Experts.
Utilization of proven protocols by our experienced staff for quicker occupancy periods through reduced remediation time.

Contact Us For Reliable Meth Decontamination Services

The success of your restoration project hinges on your choice of contractor. Your property deserves the best care, so don’t expose yourself to any risk. Ensuring your satisfaction is our foremost priority. Restoration Experts remains at your service until you are thoroughly satisfied and comfortable with your property.

Restoration Experts provides meth clean-up services to various clients, including:

• Commercial property owners and investors
• Real estate agents
• Homeowners
• Any individual who suspects the presence of meth in their property

It's vital to remember not to attempt cleaning meth-contaminated labs by yourself due to intoxication risks. However, there's no cause for concern! Experts at Restoration Experts can swiftly and efficiently decontaminate your home or business.